Sunday, November 16, 2008

Not the dig.

Not digging all this other stuff I have to do.

Not digging all this money I require to live.

I would like to just draw all day. Or a week. Everyday. I'd like to have time to create.

You know, get better and faster at getting the idea down.

Not inspired by the oppression of work and school.

Not at all.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

We comes backs.

Decided that I miss blogging.

So! I'm going to start blogging again! This is perfect timing, considering that I just recently got internet in my place again. So yay.

While I will start blogging again, there will be a considerable difference in the way I blog.

Plainly said, there will be more of my artwork, among the rants and such.

So here we go.