By deviant, I mean DeviantArt friend.
He goes by the name E-9 ( and the main reason I followed him was because of his treatment of ink. Or maybe the way he uses his brush with ink.
I never really thought to ask about his technique until recently, whjen I saw this image created by him:
The various nuances and variations in the linework throughout the page really motivated me to ask him about how he works with ink and the whole process of "inking".
bandit-revolver: I'm really admiring the quality of your inking.
When you approach it, what's in your mind? I guess in terms of the process, because when I see my work sometimes, it's kind of like tracing.
But what's the real goal? Intensifying the work? And if you're inking someone else's work, is there the risk of covering it up with your own style?
This is a long comment.
I dig long comments that actually require me to analyze myself and my work. So no worries there
Uhm... well initially when I ink my own stuff I normally don't even finish the linework first because I know what Im going to do with it and I know what HAS to be there before I grab the brush. I try to think about depth of field and shadows as far as where the lines fall on the paper that way if Im given something to ink it doesnt come off too flat.
Now, when Im given the "go ahead" to just have fun with little no zero guidelines or anything I grab 3 or 4 "custom" brushes so that I don't have 100% control as to what the line will look like when I drag it across the paper. It makes the whole "experience" more therapeutic than a chore or a job to finish. Custom meaning a 01 or 02 "liner" that ill cut up with scissors, yank bristles out of and more than likely NEVER clean. With sumi ink, the dried ink kind of dissolves a little anyway so it doesnt get TOO disgusting.
This particular "style" or "technique"(or lack thereof) works best with organic shapes and forms. Such as folds, people's skin, hair or elements like water or fire. You'll see me not taking half as many liberties or risks when it comes to doing buildings or cars or mechs and junk.
Inking as if you're making a whole new piece of art versus just darkening in whats there DEF makes the outcome for of a visceral experience/ eye work out type of thingthing. Straight up tracing is a skill within its own, but its not HALF as fun/rewarding 
But at the same time, im over-looked/passed up on a lot of projects/make art directors VERY nervous this way. I probably COULD "trace"... but it'd drive me insane doing a whole book like that.
So, I drew a lot of inspiration from what E-9 had to say. Mostly from the parts when he described working with ink as if "making a whole new piece of art versus just darkening in" and "visceral experience". I'm trying to implement those factors into my work, because, I guess it's how I want it to be.
G'nna be a long way there, though.