I am trying to get back into routine here, there and upside down. I bought a planner some weeks ago to try and keep my lives and heart-pieces organized. Believing and using some sort of life-scheduler was never something I did: partly because you had to manage the planner to manage your life. Essentially, to me, this meant even more work. Consulting your little green (or black) book to make sure things get done on time.
Target ran out of black books. So, I'm using a lime-green planner.
Fall 2009 was pretty rough for me, as most of the year was for a lot of people, but I'm pretty sure the state of the economy matches my experience with Color Theory. I'm not going to complain about it, since everyone who has ever endured the NJCU Art Course has probably heard many rants about the class' difficulty, pace, etc. Some people get color; some people don't.
I just need more time with it, apparently.
On to the show!

My first time I participated in Sketch Night @The Society of Illustrators in NY. It was a great experience: live music, bar, people and models to draw. You can't really ask for much more.
Speaking of more, it seems I spent more time drawing the model focused on these two pages from my landscape sketch book.
Perhaps, I gravitated towards the blonde model, as opposed to the brunette one, because her *ahem* breasts were offered more in terms of tonal value (or were they both blonde? I can't remember).
I'll be back next week.
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