Five issues. I never thought we'd make it past the first issue.

Cover Art by Kristen Chiappone
The July issue features literature:
"Anasthesia" by Liz Vosk
"AM" by Michael Weems
"Master" by Krystal Sital
"Just Like High School" by Amanda Halkiotis
"In Praise of Honey" by John Biscello
"Tarred and Feathered" by Mark Blickley
"Apples to Oranges" by Daniel O'Connor
"Small Amusements" by Ben Nardolilli
"A Day Spent with Words" by Kate Giusfredi
"The Stink-Eye" by David Sansevere
"There's a Where" by Nathan Fuller
"Language as Play" by Nicole Contreras
"Old and New" by Jacqueline Nigro
"The Weary Lacrymosa" by Dana Facchine
"Misunderstandings of the Third Kind" by Daniel Shebses
...And art from:
Stephanie Herrera
Kelly Cuenca
Elias Jimenez
Madelynne Dela Rama
Steven Defendini
Chazz Jogie
Kristen Chiappone
and more!
Never thought we'd make it past the first? Pfft, way to have faith!